Thursday, February 1, 2018


       It was put on Facebook yesterday about hanging sheets on the old clothes line like yesterday! I have seen that whole concept put online from time to time over the past few years. And, I have always thought about that great smell of those sheets that night when jumping into bed and taking that big whiff! Hmmmm!

       Well' in this case you can go back! When the weather gets a little warmer, I will be tying a rope from a certain tree in my side yard and then the other end to my house and give it a whirl for at least one windy day--plus a towel or two! 

        Even if a cop comes by and tells me I can't do it-Ha! It would be worth the fine! I'll let everyone know probably some time later this month or a windy March day.  Thanks to Norma Vande Kamp of Laurel, Iowa Fame for the great idea!


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