Thursday, February 8, 2018


       Traveling memories take me back to a time in the 1980's when it seemed like I first did lots of traveling by car around the USA and especially to Colorado. It seems most generally we, my ex-wife May and I, would just stop at the usual places clustered around an exit on the Interstate.

        I hit a point where I was really get tired of an endless eating habit at the likes of Micky D's, Pizza Hut, and Denny's. Enough all ready! It was time to do a little exploring and make the "Journey" more enjoyable along with the Destination.

        After driving a mile or two off the Interstate,  I can still visualize a down-town somewhere in Nebraska on one occasion and scooping the Town Square for that special breakfast place. It generally wasn't that hard to find. 
         Usually there was that sign that said something like--"Alice's Cafe."  Then, of course, if you spotted the local US postal truck, a Sheriff's cruiser, and a Contractor's pick-up, you knew you hit THE Epic Center of early morning dining. 

       Today, with many better Inn's providing breakfasts as part of their "deal," it has taken some of the sport out of that breakfast magic. However, yours truly still goes on the hunt occasionally while traveling and always walks away with a story treasure to boot! 

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