Sunday, February 25, 2018


       Yesterday,2/24/2018, I headed out for my usual morning walk here in Williamsburg, Iowa. I did noten that it had been sleeting a little with those small, round, hard, and white flakes. The ground didn't seem to be slick at all as I headed out my drive-way.

        By the time I made it across the street and into the high-school parking lot where I ususally walk, I still hadn't notice any slickness on the gently slanted surface moving down into the parking area. In an instant I was on my back. I didn't even have time to wave or flap my arms for some type of balance.

        Lying there for a few seconds, I realized I had some "dis-comfort" in my right hand, left leg, my back and I knew that I had hit the back of my head. Fortunately, a teacher at the high school came along and helped me up. After thanking him and saying I was OK, I slowly made my way across the street and back into the comfort of my home.

         Yes, today, I have some soreness mainly in my left leg around the knee area. But, applying a heating pad seems to be helping. This afternoon I plan on doing nothing but seating in my La-Z-Boy and catching a NASCAR race from Atlanta, Georgia. 

          During the years while walking outdoors here in Williamsburg, I have usually gone by Rain, nor Sleet, nor Snow would deter me and have done so without incident.  Well, now I have been warned! For now, I hope winter is about over!



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