Wednesday, February 7, 2018


          I just realized this morning while doing my dishes that I have not broken a dish in a "Coons Age!" This revelation came to me after I dropped a newer Fiesta salad plate on my wood kitchen floor. 

         I have been using the newer(1980's) for as long as I remember. Even when I lived in Marshalltown and my kitchen had ceramic tile, one never broke. Although I did have a dishwasher there and it wasn't as easy for a plate to fall onto the floor. 

       I did and have broken some water glasses because up until 3-4 years ago I used actually glass instead of using plastic ones. But, anyway, the Fiesta is very sturdy and somewhat heavy and I can't imagine using anything else. Besides, it is a tradition of sorts started by my mother who actually bought and used the original started by Homer Laughlin back in the mid 1930's. 

         One of the old Fiesta dishes that my mother used, and I now have on display, is a white and somewhat scratched up dinner plate. She always said and believed that the colorful dishes were to be used and not just for show. Even though it's just me and I could use paper plates or some type of inexpensive Corelle dinnerware.


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