Monday, February 26, 2018
It used to be that the most famous words in auto racing was "Gentleman start your engines!" That all changed when women made it to the party. Then the phrase became "Drivers start your engines!"
The latest and becoming more dramatizing, at least, is the phrase "Bogity, Bogity, Bogity-Let's go racing boys!" as the cars are getting the green flag! I do like` looking forward to that being said although, when all those 40 plus machines are starting after "Drivers start your engines" is announced is still electrifying. Especially if you are sitting there at the race. What a rush! Nothing like it!
Sunday, February 25, 2018
Yesterday,2/24/2018, I headed out for my usual morning walk here in Williamsburg, Iowa. I did noten that it had been sleeting a little with those small, round, hard, and white flakes. The ground didn't seem to be slick at all as I headed out my drive-way.
By the time I made it across the street and into the high-school parking lot where I ususally walk, I still hadn't notice any slickness on the gently slanted surface moving down into the parking area. In an instant I was on my back. I didn't even have time to wave or flap my arms for some type of balance.
Lying there for a few seconds, I realized I had some "dis-comfort" in my right hand, left leg, my back and I knew that I had hit the back of my head. Fortunately, a teacher at the high school came along and helped me up. After thanking him and saying I was OK, I slowly made my way across the street and back into the comfort of my home.
Yes, today, I have some soreness mainly in my left leg around the knee area. But, applying a heating pad seems to be helping. This afternoon I plan on doing nothing but seating in my La-Z-Boy and catching a NASCAR race from Atlanta, Georgia.
During the years while walking outdoors here in Williamsburg, I have usually gone by Rain, nor Sleet, nor Snow would deter me and have done so without incident. Well, now I have been warned! For now, I hope winter is about over!
Saturday, February 24, 2018
Yesterday, 2/23/2017, I stopped at the "Lucky 6 Lanes" in Marengo for a light lunch. This little place just off Highway 6 on the south edge of town is a comfort food gem. I didn't want much as I never like to spoil my evening meal appetite.
I just sat up to the counter, grabbed a newspaper and gave my order. I opted for a plain hamburger with onion. Instead of the normal fries, didn't need for my waistline, but, chose a side garden salad with French and blue cheese dressing along with my big glass of water.
The burgers there are done on a flat top grill along with maybe 30 seconds of browning the bun for a little color and firmness. That burger was a thing from the "past" and with a little ketchup, I was all set. And, the blue cheese dressing had those yummy chunks and I don't know the brand, but, the French was extra tasty, zesty, and rich.
The older I get, it seems, I truly "savor" these simple, easy, comfort food meals. Don't get me wrong, I love to make my way around the kitchen and try new concoctions. But, yesterday was oh so-o-o- good!
Wednesday, February 21, 2018
It only seems like yesterday, but, it was the late 1970's, I lived at 7705 Rio Valley Drive in Clive, Iowa and owned the home with a good friend, Bob Merritt. We were both divorced about the same time, 1974-1975, and had decided to join forces and buy a home together.
All I will say is we lived very envious bachelor lives at the time, and, on a couple of occasions, we had fairly large parties at our home complete with catered meals and entertainment. One place that I was able to obtain live music for private hire was at a bar called the "Broken Arrow" in Polk City, Iowa, just north of the Metro and the Saylorville Lake area.
During that time, the Broken Arrow had live music and most was usually Blue Grass. I fell in love with that type of music especially with an upbeat banjo, fiddle, and big bass fiddle. It was just "feel good," toe tapping, and hand clapping music. There was no way you couldn't feel good after listening to it.
At two summer parties we held at our home, both bands were Blue Grass obtained from the Broken Arrow in Polk City. For years after, many neighbors and friends would go on and on about our great parties. I always knew it was the Blue Grass! Try it sometime if you haven't. You'll love it!
Last night I had somewhat of an unusual dream. I was in a small boat or ship and it dis-functioned somehow and I had to abandoned it and swim to this "all concrete" pier of some kind.
Soon, a huge Cruise Ship came along and started to sink. All I could remember then was watching all these people swimming toward me. I knew I couldn't help them all and had no blankets to keep them warm until help would arrive. I also knew that there was not enough room for the thousands of people coming toward me.
Thank goodness I woke up and never knew if most all were saved. The dream was somewhat logical in that it seems like every night watching T.V. there is always some kind of Cruise Lines commercial. Maybe it's telling me I should be giving thought to visiting the Caribbean!
While watching an episode of "Dumbest Crooks, " and involving a guy stealing a bread truck, reminded me of my favorite "If I were to hijack a truck story." When I would see a Hostess Cupcake truck in a grocery store parking lot, it always came to mind that the only truck I would ever give thought to hijacking would be that one.
Mind you, I never would, but, it would be fun taking it down some deserted road and just pigging out until caught! Somehow, I would have to make sure I had plenty of milk!
Monday, February 19, 2018
It would be ironic if The Russians really did help Trump win the election over Hillary Clinton. Especially, when there was all the "HULLABALOO" about Hillary and the Democratic National Party pulling a "fast one" on Bernie Sanders! Do you believe in Karma?
Sunday, February 18, 2018
For years and years, we have always heard about Term Limits for those in Congress. Of course, we usually are talking about other states representatives, but, not necessarily our own.
Well, now that many ore not seeking re-election, for all types of reasons, for some it has become very alarming. Which way is it. Some new blood can never hurt or can it?
This morning I drove uptown to get some milk at the local Casey's here in Williamsburg, Iowa. A customer ahead of me, and who was buying cigarettes, mentioned that the price stated in the front window on the brand he purchased was wrong.
As I walked out and glanced back as the employee was changing the price a "flash from the past" came over me for a split second. The price stated for one package of those cigarettes was "$5.45," or close. My flash was that it seemed like I was witnessing something that would have happened many many years ago( maybe 1970's?), when the price of a "carton" would have been $5.00, but, not for a package! Am glad I quit a long time ago!
It seems like lately I've been running into a new type of credit card processing terminal at retail outlets. It requires me to sign the screen with my finger. What a joke! To write my name or any word with my finger at an angle is impossible.
This seems like a giant step backwards. They already have my PIN #, password or whatever else already. What I would like to do is call in later and dispute the signature. I might as well just put a big X with a cute little tail at the end! Maybe just a "DL" the best I can! Am I the only one who sees this as just plain silly?
Friday, February 16, 2018
In the last few day I posted some old letters that were written in 1941 at the time my Grandfather Henry Smith passed away. I realize many of you have no interest in reading about family matters of others.
But, as I post the contents of these letters, you come to really appreciate the writing style of the time, in this case early 1940's, and an insight to happenings of the time and that letter writing was one of the key means of communication due to inexpensive nature.
Most letters could be sent for 3 cents as a long distance telephone call could cost $1.00 and upwards. It does seem strange reading something that makes no reference to television, computers, or cell phones.
Thursday, February 15, 2018
Glenna helped me spic and span the house before she went to bed, so I can wash tomorrow. I don't usually wash on Monday, but the weather man predicts a nice day, so I can get them dried out doors. I have some sheets and a big tablecloth and blanket that are hard to dry indoors. Other wise I don't have such a big washing.
I want to sew more. I've made Dawn 2 dresses and have more to make and a little Spring coat. The girls got a nice Sunday dress for Christmas, so I want to make hem soon. I got real cute patterns and they're different too. They are certainly growing up. Time does fly so fast.
I wish you could come down. Maybe Mae will come some time. She planned to come the year I went to the hospital, and hasn't been here yet. Call Mother & tell her we are fine. I'll write as soon as I can find time.
I hate to see them leave the old place but I'm glad they're getting away from so much work. I hope Mother is satisfied, I'm afraid so she won't be, and I know Dad won't.
Much love to all the family,
Helen Speas Murray
I wish you could come down. Maybe Mae will come some time. She planned to come the year I went to the hospital, and hasn't been here yet. Call Mother & tell her we are fine. I'll write as soon as I can find time.
I hate to see them leave the old place but I'm glad they're getting away from so much work. I hope Mother is satisfied, I'm afraid so she won't be, and I know Dad won't.
Much love to all the family,
Helen Speas Murray
Wednesday, February 14, 2018
Donald Halverson and Merceda Brown, the Patton boy, and Merle Patton, Dorothy Halverson, Vera Mc Ilrath, and others. Well, it's just life and the longer I live the harder I try to tell myself to take it as it comes. I know you can look back on years of hardships, heartache, and disappointment, but I also know you have lots of joyous things to remember as far as Uncle Henry is concerned, we couldn't wish him back.
I can think of death as some rich experience, and I like to think of those one on before whom he will join over there. Just think of the ones whom he loved, gone on before. He went so easy and didn't have to suffer and worry over a long illness. So there's nothing left for us but to dry our scalding tears and live for that time when we shall be called too. No one escapes.
We've had a grand winter for us--we needed moisture so badly and we've had several big rains and snows and the ground was never frozen, so every drop soaked in. Poor parched soil choking for a drink. You haven't any idea how terrible it was. Hundreds of big beautiful timber trees dead. Gordon is cutting as fast as he can to get it out but, won't half finish this year--nothing but drought stricken trees.
I've been sewing as hard as I could all winter. Every week I have so much to mend that I could about make a garment in that time. The girls were given several things to be made over. There's always something going on to keep me busy, with the school and church next door, we're a little more obligated. We have a wonderful school. The children's work is so interesting, and they both are good in school, so that eliminates some worry.
------------------------to be continued
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
I just read an article in the USA Today section of the Des Moines Register today. It was about how we have taken smart phones, CD's, and other devices, from various terrorist organizations and taking the information off the devices and using the info. against them.
It goes on to say that US government technicians and linguists in a Washington DC suburb are aiding in a huge boost to the intelligence community. The center has about 700 employees with 100 linguists.
In reading this and knowing that we have a multitude of Intel Agencies that should be focused on the "Russian/Election Hacking Fiasco--what's all the "Alarming Rhetoric" about? But, somehow it seems to all be Trump's fault! If I was the head of any of these Intel. groups I already know where my priorities should be focused!
My sister, Doris Laverty Eddy, found another letter written and post marked February 10, 1941, by a Helen Murray in February of 1941 to my Grandmother Minnie Smith(Niece to Aunt on Grandfather's side of family) an interesting letter of condolence written to my Grandma after my Grandpa passed away.
Worth noting is the detail of letter writing then. Letter writing was still of great importance at that time and even of short distances. It was much cheaper than paying "long distance" charges from the telephone companies. And, people would go into more detail with a 3 cent letter as they might not communicate by another letter or "catch up" when visiting at some point in time.
The Murray's moved from Albany, Missouri, where this letter was written, back to Marshalltown, Iowa some time in the late 1950's. Dawn, a daughter, became a good friend of "Jean Seberg,"while attending Marshalltown High School. Miss Seberg was Marshalltown's claim to fame as a big time Hollywood actress.
Helen Murray
Albany, Mo
Mrs Minnie Smith
Gilman, Iowa
Rural Route
Albany Mo.
Feb. 8, 1941
Dear Aunt Minnie & All--
I've been thinking so much of you, but I'm always slow to get around; I have so much to do all the time. I didn't do so much today (Sunday) I worked so hard yesterday cleaning; everything was so dusty. I waxed the floors too besides washing all four children's heads and giving three a bath. Glena can give her own. Also made a big batch of candy to send Gordon's sister in college. She's so crazy about my fudge.
We didn't fix a big dinner. I finished about 11:30 AM When the girls got home from S.S. they finished the dinner and washed the dishes. They do their work so nice and it helps me so much. Glenna is a wonderful cleaner--in fact she can do so many things -iron, bake & get a complete meal.
I was certainly shocked and grieved to hear of Uncle Henry's death. I always thought an awful lot of him. The saddest thing of all to me in death is the regrets we have. I always felt that all of you were so grand to me, and I wonder if Uncle Henry knew I appreciated it.
You have no idea how much I appreciated the Christmas card. I said to Gordon, "Well Uncle Henry & Aunt Minnie remembered me way down in Missouri." I thought we had a good time when I stayed with you and I felt like I owed Uncle Henry a lot for he helped me get the school.
I made some kiddish blunders I know, but I worked hard not to let him down. Morris Brown never did forgive me. I'll never forget Marceda Koontz when I had to fail her in Algebra. And, now she is gone. So many tragic things have happened in Laurel since I left 15 years ago.
-------------------------to be continued.
Monday, February 12, 2018
Last night I was watching an old re-run of Murphy Brown starring Candice Bergen. I always loved that sit-com years ago and still do once again. The episode last night dealt with Candice attempting to join an all men's private club that her co-anchor Jim belonged.
It made me think about the time in the 1980's when I was President of a local Breakfast Club . It was all male for some time until some member wanted to introduce a woman into the club. Now a Breakfast Club is simply a group of business people who meet on a regular basis and reciprocate business with one another.
There were other clubs in greater Des Moines that had co-ed membership. My veto of the idea was one from a social standpoint. Once in awhile we had social events that just included members and not wives. My concern was of any "hanky panky" and then take heat from a spouse of an affected member or members.
Secondly, and I still feel this way in that it is OK for men and women to have their own groups and just enjoy the companionship of their own gender. How many men go out and play golf with three men and one lady. And, how many times do you hear of a man trying to "Crash" an all women's group! Birds of a Feather!
Most of my lifetime the auto, Jaguar, has been pronounced Jaguar with that hard R at the end. Then somewhere along the way, a few years ago, they changed the pronunciation to something like Jag-A-wa--or close!
Now, it seems like they have changed it to Jagwe- or Jagwa. But, the announcer on their TV commercials says it so softly your not really sure. It's as if they are simply attempting to put a new "Snob Appeal" twist to it all. I guess that hard "R" at the end just doesn't have that stuffy-sophisticated sound they want!
Recently, the Des Moines Register has been beating the drums on a local increase in the sales tax. All they seem to print are the advantages of such an increase and that surveys show that the "Majority" are in favor.
At my age and lifetime I have seen these increases many times. At first it was only 1 cent, then 2 cents, and on and on. The one I always love and have to laugh is when they say that the sales tax increase will "lower" property taxes. The only way property taxes get reduced is if you actually go in at the time you can protest and are lucky enough to get them lowered! Up Up and Away!
Sunday, February 11, 2018
This past week someone brought it up on Facebook that they didn't understand why anyone wanted to live in Iowa and they should all come to Florida where this person lived. That raised a few choice words about that comment to say the least.
Let's be clear. Not everybody can or wants to go south in the winter even if they can do it financially. I have known many people in my lifetime who could have very easily spent the winters in a place of their choice. Some people love the winter's snow and all that goes with it.
I have been fortunate that in my lifetime to have traveled during the winter months many warm destinations and have enjoyed them very much. At my stage in life, know, I am unable to afford two residences --one here in Iowa and another where warmer. And, don't say why not move-I'm happy where I am for all sorts of reasons.
Frankly, if I could pick a warm spot for the winter months it would not be Florida, Texas, Arkansas, nor Arizona. Not even the Carolinas or Alabama. It wouldn't have to be anywhere where it's 80 degrees every day. After a lifetime of traveling this beautiful country, I would give strong consideration to Northern California or Oregon.
First of all, I would love living by the ocean and really love the bigger and crashing waves. Those gentle little lapping waves just don't cut it for me. The two times I was in Maui, I spent hours at a particular cove just watching huge crashing waves hitting rocks. Nothing compares.
Also, even if I could live somewhere like that, I know that I would still be traveling to other destinations and adventures. It's the gypsy in me. Since I don't play golf and have many interests that don't relate to weather conditions, I'm here to stay in the Hawkeye State. But, make no mistake, come May, I'm off for another adventure or two in the beautiful USA.
Saturday, February 10, 2018
At one time in the early 2000's, I cleaned for an elderly lady whom I care for just like a close aunt. One day she started to tell me the story about when she arrived in Marshalltown, Iowa as a young lady, she worked for this certain prominent family on the north side of town.
About 15 or 20 minutes later she started to tell the same story and I thought maybe she was going to tell it with a different twist of some kind. Nope. It was the same story to a T. It then happened for the third time and exactly the same.
I knew something terrible had just happened and called her daughter. Within the week, the lady was in a local nursing home and I believe she had a mild stroke. I felt so bad because I always looked forward to our visit while working!
Years ago when I had my residential cleaning service, I had some tough customers when it came to "perfectionists," but, the following took the cake. The issues that made this household difficult were the following.
This lady had three young boys for openers, then, I believe, two or three dogs, one or more of the family had allergies of some kind, and she had she had overhead fans in about every room and had them going all the time.
Not too long after we had been cleaning and always being faced with some kind of new critical instructions, she left this FOUR page single spaced note with explicite orders and at the end said --- "WE will just have to deal with it!" That's all it took for me. I told my help to pack as we were leaving. And, no we were not done. Sometimes the WE doesn't include ME!
Friday, February 9, 2018
I just read in the Des Moines Register where Best Buy as of July 1, 2018 will no longer be selling Videos of any kind. It only seems like yesterday while living in Marshalltown, Iowa back in the mid 1990's about every other store in town had a Video section. That included Hy-Vee Food Store, a Chain Store or two plus a couple of "Mom & Pop operations.
Now it seems all you hear about is "Streaming" and being able to watch a movie or ?? at your convenience onto your computer and/or T.V. for a fee. I have only done it once and that was by mistake just on my lap-top. Oh, well. Would anyone like to buy a box full of "classic old movies on DVD!
I never have been able to handle suspense very well. On one occasion, I had instructed one of my employees to be in charge of the "upstairs" at this particular home. She informed me that she didn't want to do it for whatever reason.
My comeback was something like I didn't realize that the company was a "Democracy" and from there it was downhill. She then mentioned that when we were done with this particular home she wanted to go back to her car and go home.
I said I could do her one better and we left immediately and that was her last day. My philosophy has always been--"There's no time like the present." Many of an employee has come up with--"I need to talk to you after work!" I never could stand the suspense and had the talk ASAP!
When I first started out in my cleaning business, it seemed that quite often my Senior customers were always trying to give me all kinds of stuff. Most times, I would politely decline and not take whatever the cast off was.
As time passed, I finally learned to accept whatever the item or items, accept with appreciation with a smile and how much it could or would be needed. I finally came to realize that by accepting it was bringing that person a good feeling of giving!
When I started my residential cleaning service in Marshalltown in the mid 1990's one of my first jobs was a real challenge to say the least. I knew because of the condition of just the kitchen and bath, my time spent would go way beyond my original estimate.
But, just starting out, my thinking was do what ever it takes and just make a good impression even if I would not come out that well. For starters, the bathroom was a scene that I will not go into detail. Next, the kitchen area was not any better. It was as if they had a "Pasta Sauce Fight" around and near the counter area and on the accompanying chairs.
I remember looking at the Toaster while cleaning the counter and how I would really get the tarnished look a real work over during the next visit with, hopefully, more time. When I talked to the owner later that afternoon for feed-back, her first remark was not how great the place looked, but, was---"Don't you clean Toasters!"
I was, to say the least, a little stunned after the incredible mess I was introduced to that morning. My thought was always if I ever wrote a book about my "Cleaning Days" the title to my book would be-"Don't You Clean Toasters?"
Thursday, February 8, 2018
Traveling memories take me back to a time in the 1980's when it seemed like I first did lots of traveling by car around the USA and especially to Colorado. It seems most generally we, my ex-wife May and I, would just stop at the usual places clustered around an exit on the Interstate.
I hit a point where I was really get tired of an endless eating habit at the likes of Micky D's, Pizza Hut, and Denny's. Enough all ready! It was time to do a little exploring and make the "Journey" more enjoyable along with the Destination.
After driving a mile or two off the Interstate, I can still visualize a down-town somewhere in Nebraska on one occasion and scooping the Town Square for that special breakfast place. It generally wasn't that hard to find.
Usually there was that sign that said something like--"Alice's Cafe." Then, of course, if you spotted the local US postal truck, a Sheriff's cruiser, and a Contractor's pick-up, you knew you hit THE Epic Center of early morning dining.
Today, with many better Inn's providing breakfasts as part of their "deal," it has taken some of the sport out of that breakfast magic. However, yours truly still goes on the hunt occasionally while traveling and always walks away with a story treasure to boot!
Lately, I have seen advertised on T.V. a Cadillac's big SUV, the Escalade. They show right under a picture of the vehicle the monthly payment---$850 plus. And, you can get one at an on-line sale price of only $79,000!
I know there are lots of people that can and are willing to pay that price and hack those payments every month for many years. I just hate those type of reminders that my first home monthly payment was under $200 a month or my car payment in my early years was under $100.
It seems like for so many years , I would hear those comparisons from some old geezer and just wished he would go away. My time came already to make similar comparisons--just much too soon!
Not quite two years ago, my sister, Doris, and I traveled down through the Smokey and Blue Ridge Mountains. Just one aspect while traveling reminded me how things change and it was wanting to exit and get gas or just make a stop to get out and relax.
Yes, the interstates have the rest stops and those are nice and easy to slid into and slid right back onto the road. I'm talking about when you are off the interstate system and negotiating the various states four lane system and in a lot of cases the two lane highways.
When traveling back in the 1950's, if you found a gas station and you needed gas you just pulled off the road and rolled right into the station. Same was true with cafes or motels. No fuss no muss!
Today, and a lot of it is for safety purposes, first, you have to get off and go down an exit lane. Then, since so many gas stations and restaurants are clustered near a main highway, you have to many times watch for signs to tell you which way to turn and how far away your stop is. Sometimes it's like going through a maze.
At this time, I still don't possess a smart phone to enable me to locate certain destinations and find them easily and even make a food reservation ahead of time. It seems like parts of traveling has become a little more complex and easier at the same time!
Wednesday, February 7, 2018
In today's Des Moines Register they honored Mama Lacona's located now in Urbandale, Iowa, after 60 years in business. Many of my favorite Italian restaurants were all family intertwined by just one family.
My all time favorite was Noah's Ark on Ingersoll Avenue and was THE place I would go for my birthday. The whole range of Italian dishes was superb! One thing Des Moines had for many years was outstanding Italian eateries.
But, seeing this article reminded me of one that I didn't frequent that often, but, was an iconic Italian pizza place on the south side of Des Moines. It was called Bamie's, the nick-name for Frank Bonano, and located on Army Post Road just east of the Airport.
The first time I went there was with my first wife, Sandi. We had heard about how good the pizza was and thought we would drive there from our home in Clive and give it a try. We called Bamie over to our table after ordering as Sandi's fork was "not very clean." He came over, took one look at the fork, wiped it under his arm-pit and handed it back to her and said;--"There you go!"
After our divorce and a few years later, I went down there with a date for some pizza. I tipped over my bottle of beer and went up to the bar/counter and asked him for a bar rag so I could clean it up. He got a rag and threw it at me very hard and hit me right in the chest! That was Bamie and his "Shtick"but, didn't appeal to everyone, but, was a unique experience-on occasion!
I just realized this morning while doing my dishes that I have not broken a dish in a "Coons Age!" This revelation came to me after I dropped a newer Fiesta salad plate on my wood kitchen floor.
I have been using the newer(1980's) for as long as I remember. Even when I lived in Marshalltown and my kitchen had ceramic tile, one never broke. Although I did have a dishwasher there and it wasn't as easy for a plate to fall onto the floor.
I did and have broken some water glasses because up until 3-4 years ago I used actually glass instead of using plastic ones. But, anyway, the Fiesta is very sturdy and somewhat heavy and I can't imagine using anything else. Besides, it is a tradition of sorts started by my mother who actually bought and used the original started by Homer Laughlin back in the mid 1930's.
One of the old Fiesta dishes that my mother used, and I now have on display, is a white and somewhat scratched up dinner plate. She always said and believed that the colorful dishes were to be used and not just for show. Even though it's just me and I could use paper plates or some type of inexpensive Corelle dinnerware.
I would almost bet the farm if I could take a poll to find out how many people really understand all the latest political buzz about the "Memo's." The Pundits talk like the public really wants and deserves to see all these documents in the name of transparency.
To be honest, the only ones who really want to see this stuff are the Commentators on the likes of CNN, MSNBC, and FOX. These Political Types love to get in front of the camera and spew their slanted views and they talk so fast to get in as much as they can before they get cut off. And, most all use words or buzz phrases that most of us are unfamiliar with or have never heard.
They keep throwing out words like complicit, dossier, and redaction like everyone knows the meaning and at the same time making reference to unfamiliar names all the while talking 100 MPH!
Tuesday, February 6, 2018
It was the late 1970's and three vehicles wee headed to Colorado during school Spring Break from West Des Moines, Iowa. Two friends and their families along with myself and children
made up the Skiing Convoy!
Our overnight destination was Grand Island, Nebraska simply to not press the trip in arriving at our final destination, Summit County--Breckenridge, Copper Mountain, and Keystone, west of Denver, Colorado. It was always a crap-shoot that time of year and everyone knew that the roads could turn treacherous across the Cornhusker state.
We were just east of Grand Island and I was sitting in the back seat with one of the kids while my ex-wife, May, drove. All of sudden the car passing us went straight down into the median. Up until then it was raining lightly and then in a flash turned to ice!
Fortunately, we all just slowed down and got off the Grand Island exit and made it to our lodging safe and sound. In THOSE days we had no outside temp gauge in our vehicles and we didn't have cell-phones to communicate with one another.
The place where we stayed had a big buffet line with, as I recall vividly, lobster pieces and lots of pizza along with an indoor pool! And, yes the next morning was sunny and clear and the rest of the journey to the slopes was uneventful weather wise!
It was the late 1970's and three vehicles wee headed to Colorado during school Spring Break from West Des Moines, Iowa. Two friends and their families along with myself and children
made up the Skiing Convoy!
Our overnight destination was Grand Island, Nebraska simply to not press the trip in arriving at our final destination, Summit County--Breckenridge, Copper Mountain, and Keystone, west of Denver, Colorado. It was always a crap-shoot that time of year and everyone knew that the roads could turn treacherous across the Cornhusker state.
We were just east of Grand Island and I was sitting in the back seat with one of the kids while my ex-wife, May, drove. All of sudden the car passing us went straight down into the median. Up until then it was raining lightly and then in a flash turned to ice!
Fortunately, we all just slowed down and got off the Grand Island exit and made it to our lodging safe and sound. In THOSE days we had no outside temp gauge in our vehicles and we didn't have cell-phones to communicate with one another.
The place where we stayed had a big buffet line with, as I recall vividly, lobster pieces and lots of pizza along with an indoor pool! And, yes the next morning was sunny and clear and the rest of the journey to the slopes was uneventful weather wise!
Just this past week, I posted a couple of old newspaper clips from the 1940's which told of my dad, his brother, and friends attended sporting events. These notices only emphasize the importance to me about passing along stories in writing from family, friends,and loved ones.
Yes, it is nice to see that they attended such happenings and it is neat that we have saved them for future generations. But, it would be very special to actually have read some of these events in the hand writing of, for example, my dad! The good news is that these examples are reasons that encouraged me to write my personal stories.
There are two-fold reasons why writing personal and family related stories are important. With social media of today those with an interest can enjoy some of the stories. And, it is special knowing that there are those far into the future that will read these short stories and be amazed by some of what went on "way back" in 2018 and even further back into the 1900's!
I'm not sure exactly how old I was at the time, but, maybe twelve years old. I went over to a neighbor friend, Dave Anderson, for the afternoon to play and hang-out.
Dave had this old English Schwinn bike and one side of the handle bars were broken off. That didn't matter to me as I had never ridden a "foreign" bike with multiple speeds. It had to be done with or without half a handle bar.
I started out on the Anderson's lane just northeast of their home. It was a shaky and wobbly start. The next thing I knew I was headed straight down this steep grade off the drive-way.
The first thing I ran into was an old hay baler, and then after bouncing off that careened into a pile off old chunks of concrete. If that wasn't enough and should have done me in I went straight into a barb-wire fence and got tangled up and cut open a two inch gash on my upper left arm. That scare stayed with me for many years. It's a wonder kids live to a ripe old age!
Monday, February 5, 2018
At one time everything that went on socially or on the business front was submitted to local newspapers and was a way of those interested to know who was doing what. Facebook in its time. #2 The Savold Nestell fight was held in August of 1940.
#1 John Laverty, Harvey Bloom, Henry Frost, Charley Greer, Harold Wheelan, Fred Buhrow, Harry McBroom, John Forrest and Diamond Halverson were among those who attended Strickland--Paycheck fight in Des Moines Monday night.
#2 Harvey Bloom, John and Thomas Laverty, and Fred and Marvin Buhrow attended the Savold-Nestell fight in Des Moines Monday nite.
#2 Harvey Bloom, John and Thomas Laverty, and Fred and Marvin Buhrow attended the Savold-Nestell fight in Des Moines Monday nite.
I probably shouldn't admit it, but, yesterday instead of going to a new movie on my Sunday morning Flick Festival in Coralville, I saw "The Greatest Showman" for the third time in the span of 3 weeks.
That sets a lifetime record for a first run movie. I wanted to see a movie called "Winchester" but, I just couldn't resist seeing the Musical about P.T. Barnum. This musical not only just makes you feel good about with its remarkable dancing and singing, it makes you feel good about Barnam and taking undesirables under his wing.
This Musical/Movie is, to me, better than Mama Mia in that it has that extra ingrediant of feeling good about the good side of mankind and his fight for the under-dog! A great Musical-a Great Lesson!
Even though I was cheering for New England the entire exciting game, I was somewhat happy for the Eagles as it was their first Super Bowl win! The one thing I will never forget that my mother would say after my Hawkeyes would lose. "Somebody has to win and somebody has to lose!" And, from that good advise, also have learned that the sun comes up the next day and life goes on no matter who wins or loses!
Sunday, February 4, 2018
I just heard somewhere that George Bernard Shaw the famous Irish Playwright and Critic was still writing into his 90's. Not that this 74 year old guy, that just enjoys writing humorous personal and family related stories, is making any comparison to the Irish Icon.
First of all, I can only wish that I will still have my wits and half a mind to put down thoughts and observations that I do love so. Just to be able to write, express, think, poke fun, or just pass along worth while works of others for another 10 years, I should be so fortunate.
But, I will hold out for a slight chance that the original story idea that lurks in the back of my mind will one day surface. One of my first stories that I wrote was about the basement in the farm home where I was raised. It hasn't popped yet but, hopefully that story will come to a full blown "Scary" thriller one day soon. I'm not even hoping for a lengthy book or movie--just a short nail biter like an old "Alfred Hitchcock" TV drama!
With the Super Bowl approaching, it looks like the majority of Americans that are football fans will be rooting for the Eagles. It's understandable. The Patriot's have dominated the Super Bowl and Championships far too long. It's like the New York Yankees, Dallas Cowboys or Boston Celtics.
I too have always been there for an underdog--Cubs, Cleveland Browns and back in the 1960's through most of the 1970's the Iowa Hawkeyes! My best friend in high-school, Rick Patterson, was a type of underdog.
But, for some reason I'm hanging in there with the New England Patriots and Tom Brady. They are and have been the best for years-no doubt! Brady is like watching the best ballet dancer on stage. Their passing plays should be copied by most all college teams--you hear that Hawkeyes!
If you really want to know the truth some of my logic for this game comes from the fact that I never have had a connection to Philadelphia in travel or sports. I never ever rooted for the Phillies, or 76'rs. Besides, years ago after traveling up into New England and the beautiful Maine Coast, how could I not love the New England Patriots!
Saturday, February 3, 2018
The following are parts of two hand written pages that my mother, Doris May Smith Laverty Korte, wrote at one time about the advent of my birth and her observations later.
On January 27,1944 I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy after 23 hours of labor--the second Laverty boy in the 3rd generation of living descendants. From the time your dad and I knew about you I said you were going to be a boy.
You were on the move constantly and even then a lot of my nights were sleepless because of your moving and kicking. At three months of pregnancy I had to have my *appendix* out but you were stubborn and hung on hard and so did I.
At eleven o'clock the night before you were born the pains began and then you arrived the next night at 10:30 P.M. after hours of struggle for you and I. The Dr. said how did you know you were carrying a son. My answer was because I prayed for a son.
He was a perfect baby, a good baby, lovable and happy. He grew to be kind, smart, peppy, and a joy to all who knew him. If he were ever naughty he accepted discipline in the manner it was intended. He was never spanked but a little chair provided the proper treatment after 15 minutes.
He was an adoring little brother to Doris and a very protective big brother to Deborah. In your illness I was there, your school day achievements I was there, music-football. baseball, plays, and all the things in between I was there. Sometimes, I'm sure you were probably embarrassed, but I was there.
This morning I was watching some more of this Nunes/Memo Fiasco! The discussion was about how honest these Federal Judges were/are that read thoroughly all these warrants etc, that are brought before them.
It reminded me of a story back in the late 1970's while selling real estate. My customer was selling his home and was being transferred from Des Moines, Iowa to Montreal, Canada. He was employed by Massey Ferguson who had a tractor and farm equipment manufacturing plant at the time in Des Moines.
My customer's home eventually got sold and he instructed me to take the offer to his lawyer in Des Moines to look over before he OK'd it. I took the offer to his lawyer and after he "simply glanced" at the document, the lawyer glanced up at me and asked---"Where do I send my bill!" He could have at least spent a couple of a couple minutes with a genuine look of concern on his face!
This morning I got a chuckle out of watching an interview on Fox News between the commentator and some legal scholar in the discussion of Russian Meddling and how we as "citizens" need to to keep a sharp eye out for Russian dis-information on the likes of Facebook.
I had to laugh at it all. Between all the Conservative/Republican Views that pop up along with all the Progressive/Dem Views that are constantly trying to persuade me about some lame issue or another, who would or could really tell if the Russians were also mixing it up!
Just with those three throwing a little "Mud" against the wall and a someone like me who just likes to poke fun at it all, you don't stand a chance. Hopefully, most of our county's citizenry don't spend any time on-line wasting their time on all that B.S. and will make intelligent decisions at election time!
1ST BIG JOB/WING IT--continued!
After spending hours mulling how to do all the pre-cleaning to each room and all the common areas concerning techniques and methods, I finally came up with a bid dollar amount and haded it in to the "Ring."
I did make it clear to the Contractor that if once something was clean and then another "Sub" came along and made a mess of some kind that I would charge Extra! That was the smartest thing I did and it was also profitable that I stuck to it.
Because there were so many rooms and my whole crew was strung out in different rooms, it could get frustrating or confusing where everyone was little lone myself. At one time, I heard an employee let out this horrible scream. She had forgotten which room she had left her soft drink and was frustrated. I just advised everyone to simply set their stuff outside the door to a room that they were working on and they would keep an eye on personal belongings better.
It took about a short two weeks to complete our cleaning and the Contractor was extremely pleased with our work and it turned out to be very profitable for me. As a matter of fact, the Contractor wanted me to go on the road and work for his Company full time. They were working for the Assisted Living Customer, who was a Chain and was going to build in several cities throughout the` Midwest USA.
Although it was a very pleasant compliment to myself and crew, I turned down the offer as I was just starting my business in the Marshalltown area and was not anxious to live the life of a Gypsy for a couple of years or so. Looking back, It was a fun and rewarding experience.
Friday, February 2, 2018
Surprise! Surprise! You thought I was going to say it was President Trump. No, I'm talking about, Dwight D. Eisenhower, the 34th President of the United States.
The year and date was October 29th, 1954. My youngest sister, Deborah, who was only a little girl (will not divulge her age)** and I was only 14 at the time and had sent the President a Happy Birthday card which I'm sure the idea was concocted by our mother.
The Thank You card was gold embossed at the top with--
Please accept my sincere
thanks for your kind birthday greeting. I
thanks for your kind birthday greeting. I
greatly appreciate your thought of me.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
The signature was actually stamped. However, the envelope was typewritten to "Dennis and Deborah Laverty Gilman, Iowa (zip codes were not used then) The return address simply said "THE WHITE HOUSE." It was stamped Washington D.C. 3:30 PM Oct. 29, 1954 The postage stamp was an actual oblong 3 cent stamp with a picture of the White House and lined above was 1800 Washington 1950 and lined below National Capital Sesquicentennial
***** As a footnote Eisenhower's actual birth date was October 14, 1890 and Deborah and I received the Thank You on 10/29/1950. That is pretty good turn around time for the government. It also shows that in those days it was the right thing to send a Thank You--even the President. And, I'm almost positive my mother was no big donor either to deserve the Thank You. She was a registered Democrat her whole life.
It was in the mid 1990's and I had just moved to Marshalltown, Iowa and had started a Residential & Window Cleaning business. About the same time what is now called The Bickford House,-- the assisted living place, was being constructed just off South Center Street.
Although, I just had just started in primarily cleaning homes and widows, I was intrigued by this project even though there were over 70 individual patient rooms, dining room, social room, and other related rooms. The place was big and really out of my league.
But, one day I thought I would take a tour while it was under construction and "act like I knew what I was doing." Then shortly, I went up to the contractor's trailer and introduced myself. The contractor's foreman handed me a hard hat and I just strolled around like I owned the joint and knew what I was doing.
What did concern me was that getting into this project with no "Big Time" experience, and that it could get me into real trouble -financial and otherwise. But, then I thought nothing ventured nothing gained. The way I went!
------------------to be continued!
The majority leader of the United Staes Senate, Mitch McConnell, while answering questions from the Press brought up the following saying:
"There is no education in the second kick of a mule!"
In today's Des Moines Register was a good one in PIckles Comic Strip' Old Earl is sitting on an outdoor bench somewhere talking to a guy next to him.
Earl says--"It was a terrible sight. I doubt I can ever get it out of my mind. More than a dozen men sitting, waiting hopeless and dejected. The look in their eyes haunts me still and I was one of them!" The guy says--"Where was this, a prisoner of war camp or something?" Earl says--"No, The Outlet Mall, waiting for our wives."
I have to admit that I'm obsessed or at least really caught up in the political scene currently. After a few hours of tuning into a little CNN, MSNBC, and FOX, an actual Reality TV show or Soap Opera would be just plain BORING!
Before you get too critical of me, watching this nonsense has it's upside. It can be very educational--by comparing the Russia/Obstruction to Watergate and the fact that to some our Democracy may end soon as we know it! Well, I want to be in front of my Tube if that happens--for sure!
It's like going back to school--History, Law, Government. But, one daily lesson is in new words, that keeps popping up in all this and running to my GOOGLE to learn the meaning and spelling! My 5th grade teacher at Laurel Consolidated School, Laurel, Iowa would be very proud of me.
Let me see, so far I have learned about FISA, Dossier, Memo, Redaction, Complicit, and Transparency just to name a few. I wonder if there is some kind of Degree I can get for all this new higher learning? Probably not!
Thursday, February 1, 2018
In the last few days I have been following the Nunes/Memo news in relation to the political scene recently. The new word that has crept in and being used by news analysts, commentators and pundits is--REDACTION.
Now I'm pretty sure that I have never used that word in a sentence in my entire lifetime or if I have read it didn't understand what I was reading and just sluffed it off. It is being used in the context of editing or censoring something.
I do enjoy, on occasion, having a new word being brought to my attention that I was not aware. It does make life a little more interesting and proves again "You are never to old to learn something new!" In days ahead that word will probably get used to death!
It was put on Facebook yesterday about hanging sheets on the old clothes line like yesterday! I have seen that whole concept put online from time to time over the past few years. And, I have always thought about that great smell of those sheets that night when jumping into bed and taking that big whiff! Hmmmm!
Well' in this case you can go back! When the weather gets a little warmer, I will be tying a rope from a certain tree in my side yard and then the other end to my house and give it a whirl for at least one windy day--plus a towel or two!
Even if a cop comes by and tells me I can't do it-Ha! It would be worth the fine! I'll let everyone know probably some time later this month or a windy March day. Thanks to Norma Vande Kamp of Laurel, Iowa Fame for the great idea!
I received news yesterday that I will be scheduled to teach a series on "Writing Short Stories--Personal & Family Related during the Spring Semester session, Adult Ed., at Kirkwood College, Coralville, Iowa location.
Any time I can reach others in the satisfaction and importance of documenting life's stories of one's self and loved ones, I looked forward to. Everyone takes and saves pictures, but, all those pictures without some type of story to back them up is less effective.
One question that must aways be asked. Along with that treasured photo of your grandmother, wouldn't it be beyond belief to possess just a small book of her favorite stories written in her own hand writing.
It was the early 2000's and the location was the ski area near Montezuma, Iowa. I had taken my grandson's there for their first time, at least, there. We had skiied for quite awhile and I told the boys that I needed to go the main building to warm up and rest a bit. They ent from there on their own.
I was not wearing proper ski googles that allowed one to see outlines of everything better against the all white terrain. I was headed down a gentle slope to the Center when all of a sudden I received a big surprise!
Just ahead of me was a small wood portable ski jump that had snow on it and I didn't see with my poor ski glasses. It wan't all that big, but, big enough. I had never made a jump of any kind even the six foot tall "portable jump" that was in front of me and that I couldn't avoid!
I had a couple of seconds to decide either to stay straight up or gently roll to my side and land in a slide and with as little damage as possible. After going up in the air, which seemed an eternity, I made it on my side with no injuries!
I am sorry or sad to say that was my last time I ever skiied again-anywhere! I always dreamed of going down at least a gentle "green" run in beutiful Colorado one last time! Thank goodness for cheerised memories!
Recently I read an obituary on someone I knew years ago socially and reminded me of a good story involving this person. His name was Greg Burt from Des Moines and was colorful and interesting at the time I knew him socially in the late 1970's and 1980's.
He was a late blooming bachelor and always said that when he married it would be to a wealthy lady. He did just that! Let's jump up to the around the Millenium( year 2000) and I was dating someone who had been directly invited to an annual summer party that the Burt's held in their home which was "South of Grand" (south of the Governor's Mansion) area in Des Moines and where my date also lived.
First, since we had to park some distance away, a guy in a golf cart came and took us to the Burt home. Second, One of my impressions was a big Baskin- Robbins ice cream tent set up in the back yard. Third big impression was a huge cut glass bowl filled with caviar. I had never had it in my life up until then and didn't think it was all too bad. a few of those little eggs kept slipping off my cracker though!
The best, though, was that this farm boy from Laurel, Iowa knew more people there in attendance than my "Blue Blood" date who had lived around there for years. Wouldn't want to go to a stuffy party every day like it, but, it was an experience and a walk with the other half or ten percent!
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