Tuesday, September 30, 2014


     When sharing my class-mate's  memories of grade-school, someone pointed out that I miss-spelled her last name. I always thought it was Ingram not Ingraham. I apologized to Donna and chalked it up to "just one of those things." Shoot me.

     I am very fortunate that most of my class-mates last names were  very simple like--Smith, Roberts, Murphy, Latham, and Paul. Thank goodness, we didn't live in an area that had names like Karahalious or Ferthatovic. I would be in real trouble.

     One of my classmates last name was Miiller or Muller with the dots over the "U." I was never sure about the dots and so forth except  it had something to do with German pronunciation. I always just thought of it as Miller. Please just try and bear with me!! 

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