Wednesday, October 1, 2014


The following was written as an assignment while in 8th grade at Laurel Consolidated School, Laurel, Iowa.
                                                   MY LIFE by DENNIS LAVERTY
    I, Dennis Laverty, was born in the St. Thomas hospital in Marshalltown on January 27, 1944. I was the second boy born  in my family, but, the first, Robert Eugene died before he was a day old.
     I have two sisters, Deborah Jon, who is seven years old and Doris Yvonne who is 22 years old. My mother's name is May Laverty. My dad, John Laverty, died when I was ten. I live on a fairly large farm 3 miles south of Laurel. I go to Laurel Consolidated School in Laurel, Iowa.
     My smallest sister owns a brown Shetland pony, but, of course you knows who feeds him. I have a black Cocker Spaniel also.
     I remember when I was two years old when my parents , sister and I went to Wyoming to visit my cousin. He lives on a large ranch in eastern part of Wyoming. After that I remember visiting Mt. Rushmore.
     The day I started to school was a bad day for me. That day I didn't get on the bus, so my mother had to drag me up in the car.
When I got there I sat by Bob Baker. I remember he and I were crying. Our teacher that first year was Mrs. Hansen. I know one thing for sure the food was awful.

     I don't remember too much until I was in third grade. That year our teacher was Mrs. Murdock. I think she was the best teacher up until then.

     In forth grade our teacher was Miss Knoll. She was also our teacher in fifth grade. That year our grade was divided. In the middle of the year Nikki Lawrence moved to Arizona.

     In sixth grade our teacher were Miss Knoll and Mrs. Toedt. It seems like that was a very good year.

     The year before my mother and my two sisters went to Colorado. I took a trip to the top of Pikes Peak, saw the Seven Falls, and went through the Cave of the Winds.

     The year after I got out of sixth grade we went to visit my cousin George Christain who lives in Wyoming. He has a tri-pacer airplane. I got to sleep in the bunk-house. I think I enjoyed that summer better than any other one than I can remember.
     The same year I went to Boy Scout camp. I learned a lot there. I learned to keep things neat and do my share of things. I learned to use things better. But most of all I had fun.

     In seventh grade our teacher was Mrs. Warden. It seems like we started doing more in this grade. We got basketball and more music. I started going to dances too.

     During the next summer I mowed the lawn, went swimming, rode my bike and did odd things until in July. Then I went to Church Camp. About twelve others from Laurel also went. Jim Latham, Alan Laverty, and Jerry Roberts and I stayed in the same cabin. I met new friends and had lots of fun. We went swimming twice a day. We had different games also. But, we also learned about God. I also took swimming lessons during the summer.

     After I went to Church Camp at Clear Lake the whole family went back. We swam in the Lake on the public beach. One night Doris and I went to the Surf Ballroom to go dancing. We just took it easy while we were there.

     During August I went to some hot rod races. I went to quite a few dances during that month also. After school started again I didn't go to many places until football games started.

     I'm now in the eighth grade. I'm 13 years old. Our teacher is Mrs. Ehert and a very good one. I've learned a lot. I guess I've had a good life so far. I get mostly what I want. I've got to go where I wanted. I get an allowance. I have fine clothes, a room of my own, and a very nice mother and  two nice sisters, and good friends. I'm writing this on a beautiful snow covered day on December 18, 1957.



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