Thursday, September 25, 2014


     One funny memory I have of Taylor's can be envisioned before the eatery was moved to its present location on the east side of 3rd Avenue. This would have been prior to 1958 when the old building was still across the street.

     As a young kid, I remember from time to time going there with my mother for a bite to eat. The building then resembled a train box-car shape or size. Maybe even a caboose of a train. (anybody remember a caboose?) Where they made the maid-rites was in the center of the eatery and then on each side was lined approximately ten stools for patrons. There was also a door to enter on each side front and back with four in all. The building sat perpendicular  to the street.

     What was always funny to me on occasion was the following. If you came in one side and there was no seating available, you obviously waited for your turn. If you spotted an empty stool on the other side you had to go out the door on your side, walk outside, go to the door on the other side, go in and sit at that empty stool.

     However, if someone else came in about the same time they could take that seat before you got around. Hmmm! It would have made a great routine on a sit-com!  The best thing to have always done was eat at an off time! I said it was funny, but, maybe not hilarious!


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