Sunday, September 14, 2014


     The first guy, that approached me after getting off the Hawkeye Express ,was asking $100.00 a ticket. I knew it was a sell-out and ticket prices from scalpers would be unusually high.

     A few years ago, Ilah and I went to the ISU/IU game in Ames and bought the first pair of tickets that was offered. We sat at the thirty yard line and fairly high seating. I never saw another person trying to sell a ticket after that. Scalping is not for every-one either!

     This year and day there were the usual pro-sellers. These guys you can find at every game selling tickets. Where they get them is another whole story. This day they too were asking upwards of $100.00. This could be tough! Even one old "codger" like myself was attempting to sell a pair of tickets. His price was $125-$150 range. You have to be kidding. After all the Hawks are just playing the Clones. Ha!

     We bantered back and forth about his high price and then the insult of me offering him only $30.00 I love this action so! Sooner or later the laws of supply and demand would apply. It was, at that point, two hours till game time. The same guys still possessed a lot of tickets.

     With about one hour to go, I made my rounds again in front of  Kinnick. I approached one young pro-seller and indicated that I needed a ticket and would be happy sitting in the end-zone. He had one in the south-west corner of the south end-zone and would take "par" or actual ticket price of $70.00. Can you believe that 70,000 people will pay that much to watch young guys to beat each others brains out.

     I convinced him to take $50.00 and be happy, as I probably would have sat there until just before game time and then offered him far less. Part of me wishes that I would have waited it out and been more patient. Like a little kid, I was too anxious to get inside and soak in all the action. Too bad the game, for me, didn't live up to my expectations. Oh well! Another day!


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