Friday, September 26, 2014


     One of  my dearest and closest classmates, Donna Ingraham(Wernberg),  has agreed to share some of her memories from our grade school days from 1949 to mid 1950's era while attending Laurel Consolidated School in Laurel, Iowa.

                         LAUREL SCHOOL DAYS
                        Big Sister Knocks Me Flat
     Kindergarten was a wonderful, adventurous experience for me. We were an all day kindergarten so nap time was always a must. My older sister was a senior and had classes in the upper level of the school. During nap time I would always look to see if she was coming down the stairs. Soon she appeared and headed for the bathroom. The bathroom doors were big, heavy, tall oak doors. I asked permission to go to the bathroom and headed there. Just as I got to the door, my sister came out! She knocked me flat! I had a big bump on my head that required ice. She felt bad but not as bad as I did.
                          Dresses In Winter
     Winters in Iowa can be brutal! Is it just me or were winters worse when we were in elementary school? The rule was girls had to wear dresses. Looking back it was probably men who made up that rule. The only exception was that we could wear snow pants under our dresses. The snow pants had to come off in the entry way of the school. You were lucky if you got to sit beside the heater in the room once you got there. My snow pants were wool left over from my oldest sister. They were ugly, heavy, brown, and itched but that didn't matter. At least it kept my legs warm! Rules! Glad they have done away with that one.
                            Mittens, Boots, and Wet Clothes
     We grew up before the space age so our winter clothing was made of wool. The mittens got wet the minute you threw a snowball and if you fell down, the snow pants got wet too! I never lost my mittens because they had a string attached that went through the sleeves of my coat. We did have fun playing Fox and Goose and throwing snow balls. The minute we got inside the clothes were put on the heater and if you have ever smelled wet wool it isn't pretty. The room stunk like a wet dog the rest of the day. What I wouldn't give to smell that again though.

**to be continued---------

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