Thursday, September 18, 2014


     Yes! I actually rank meals that I have enjoyed in my life or at least somewhat. And, no, this isn't about a meal that she entirely prepared, but, did take place at her home.

     It was in the late 1970's, summer, and we had a family re-union at my sister Doris' and brother-in-law, Clyde's, home south of Laurel. They lived in the big house that we all grew up years before. At the time I lived in Des Moines, was divorced, and drove up with my two kids, La Risa and Darrin.

     I don't remember the actual occasion, but, the overall meal was greatest that I probably have ever enjoyed in a restaurant or otherwise.

     Clyde, had T-bone steaks butchered at a locker in nearby Kellogg, Iowa. He grilled them to perfection. They were extra thick and the size of an entire dinner plate. On another plate was new potatoes, fresh tomatoes, green beans, sweet corn, and who knows what else, mostly all from their garden.

     Lastly, Mom and my step-dad, Maurice, brought the makings for homemade ice-cream. Cranked by hand and also to creamy perfection!  If it gets better than that you can -------!


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