Sunday, September 14, 2014


     Since I "scalp" my tickets anymore to the Hawkeye games, I never know where I may end up. It is fun and like a new adventure each week, not knowing exactly where my seat might be. Yesterday, for the big ISU/IA game, may have been the exception to the rule.

     My seat was in section 221, which is in the south-west corner of the south end-zone. My seat was fairly high, row 25, and next to the edge of the stadium and the isle. Didn't think I would have to stand for the whole game. Think again!

     All of a sudden in came a group of young male students, primarily, and they preceded to stand not only just up, but, stand on their seats. The game had started and I could not see a thing. I tapped one kid on the shoulder and asked him to sit as I could not see. If they wanted to stand at least stand on the floor. 

     They first looked at me like I was from Mars and turned around. Now they made me mad. Did I mention that, despite I'm an old man and being out numbered by at least six to one, that did not bother me. The words began to fly.

     They let me know that this was a student section and the "tradition" was to stand on the seats during a game. They were wrong and it was starting to get ugly. They even were ranting about how they paid for these tickets thru their tuition and etc.
Plus, lots of them were standing in the isles.

     Then the "cavalry" came. A security guy reminded this "bunch" that the area was not the student section as it had been the year before. Fueled by alcohol, these kids were not going to give in and tried all kinds of ways to talk the security guy into letting them stay despite the fact that there were people waiting to get into their rightful seats.

     Finally,  a handful  ofofficers with badges arrived and escorted most back to the student section and I assumed found them seats. Remember, the law usually wins and so does age and crotchety old men.

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