Thursday, September 11, 2014


     Last week-end, I attended the Iowa/Ball State football game  at Kinnick Stadium. For the first fifty four minutes or so, it may be one of the most inept games I have ever witnessed. I got up and left with under seven minutes remaining in the game.

     At least I could catch the train, Hawkeye Express, back to my car and get out of Iowa City ahead of the, what I thought would be, a very disappointing crowd. I missed one of those last five minute come back from behind wins that only happens in a blue moon. Hawks won and I missed the excitement of the day. Oh well!

     While watching this boring game, one couldn't help keeping an eye on the "time-out T.V. guy" that dictates when play is to resume after a T.V. time-out. He stands down and one end of the field along the side-lines with one of the referees by his side. With thirty seconds to go before play is to resume, he holds his one arm out straight and then when the time is up gives a circulating motion with his arm and disappears into the side-line. That is the longest thirty seconds you will ever experience.
     By the time the commercial is over you are ready for a nap and wonder what you are even doing there. Just once I would love to see an irritated fan come out of the stands and just start "whaling" on this "Time-Out Guy." It would make a great ESPN high-light for sports news later in the evening!!

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