Tuesday, September 9, 2014


     Here's another way you know you are getting closer to going out than coming in. Each morning I power walk around 20/25 minutes in the high-school parking lot. Lately, however, it seems to take me longer to basically get rolling. By that I mean when even getting out of a car after a 30 minute drive, it takes me a few steps to get my "bounce" back. Same thing applies while getting out of bed, up from the dinner table, and well you get the picture.

     I decided to do a few basic and simple warm-ups before my walks and slowly work them up each day till my body is in better shape. (along with the constant attempt of weight loss.)

    I made up a card of various and simple exercise drills that I could do before my walk and then each day increase the drill by one or two. One exercise that I included in my routine was a squat thrust. Do you remember doing those? Maybe they call them something else today!

     You basically squat down like a frog, then put your hands down on the ground and push your legs and feet out behind you. Then bring them back in and start over again. I did the squat part OK, but, when it came to putting my hands out flat in front of me while leaning over a bit, I stopped and began to LAUGH.

     Something in my head told me that if I attempted to lean out and put my hands down they might give out and either fall forward on my face and/or my wrists might crack like a turkey wish-bone. There has to be a better way!

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