Sunday, September 21, 2014


     A few years ago, I started getting my mail and would bring in to the attached garage and place it on a certain shelf just outside the door that went on into the kitchen. Then, I would sort through it all and discard the junk mail before going into the house. I even discarded the little pieces of advertising inside the various bills. It's one of my many obsessive "things" by not wanting unnecessary stuff to deal with later.

     When finally moving to Williamsburg, we obtained a post office box. The reason was due to where our house was located, we were going to have to put up a mail-box in one of these multiple mail box set-ups about a block away.

     I love getting mail at the post office and setting it all o a nearby table and disposing of the junk mail right there! It's kind of neat the way things work out sometimes!

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