Monday, September 15, 2014


     One of my favorite not too far away trips is probably one of America's favorite vacation destinations. The perfect time to do it is September, despite the fact that this year they got an early snowfall. It is none other than South Dakota-Mount Rushmore, Black Hills and much more.

     I took this trip a few years ago and not till later, did I realize how pleasurable and to this day probably the most enjoyable four to five day vacation I've taken for all kinds of reasons. The very first thing that got this trip off on the right foot was the weather-ideal-sunny, temperatures in the 60's and low 70's.There is nothing better for weather, especially in the fall, than to feel the crisp, slight  coolness in the air, but, with the warmth of the sun on your back.

     Traveling, once the kids are back in school, can be a pure delight. Not that I don't like kids, but, when you can walk right into a restaurant without a wait, it's heaven. Despite the fact that traveling the distance across South Dakota on I-90 is quite at times. a long and boring jaunt, the Corn Palace at Mitchell, Wall Drug,  and  watching a huge thundercloud form and rise to 40,000 feet in the distance can shorten the ride.

     The area and it's attractions live up to the hype except for too much trashy sideshows leading up to the four Presidents. I really had only one big disappointment while there. We stayed in a town just north of Rapid City and the infamous Sturgis called Deadwood. With a pure cowboy name like "Deadwood" and an authentic steakhouse restaurant nearby, the suspense of sitting down to that big old juicy steak was a killer. Big disappointment! Tough and tasteless. Don't ever underestimate Iowa corn-fed beef. No Sir! 

     Now, on to the most unforgettable, pleasant surprise of the trip. Almost a spiritual experience, if you will. Just a few short miles off I-90 into northwest Wyoming, in the middle of nowhere, when you just pop a rise, is this huge round ribbed tall rock with a flat top. It can and has been climbed a lot and doesn't take long to walk around, but there is just something about it!

     Hundreds of little "ground squirrels" live around there. The movie "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" was filmed there. With the near perfect weather. it made the experience, again, unforgettable. I do hope to return again someday.

written originally July 2008


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