Thursday, September 18, 2014


     In the fall of 1954, my sister, Doris, wrote an essay for an English class while attending Iowa State University. She sent it to our mother, (Doris May Smith Laverty Korte), along with an attached personal note.

                                  My Brother Dennis
     I didn't know if I liked the idea of having a baby brother or not, a sister wouldn't be so bad but a boy would just be a nuisance. For one thing, I had been an only child for eight years and it would hurt to think I would have to share things with someone else.
     Grandma(Smith) was there when Dennis, my brother , was born. She told me I would get to like him and wonder what I ever did without him.
     She was right , but it took quite awhile. When I first saw Dennis he was a red wrinkled mess. Could I ever love that? I did. I helped Mother  take care of him and it was fun. By the time he could walk and talk I was wondering what I had ever done without him. I taught him how to bat and throw a ball. Now he is very good & loves sports of  all kinds. I'm very proud of him. He is president of his fifth grade class this year and was elected best football player in his room. To top it all off, he gets the best in grades of which I am very glad.
     While I was in school, in anyone dared to tease me or do anything to me in the bus or on the school grounds he came right to my rescue.
      Sure, he's been in the way at times and we've had our arguments and fights but it's been nothing serious.
     Just think of all the fun and good times I would have missed if it hadn't been for my brother, Dennis.
     I wrote this in class, believe it or not. Be seeing you. Tell Debby *(sister- Deborah Jon Laverty Arges- age 4.) thanks for the bouquet. Just what I needed. Wish you could have  come up. Are you sick? I'll come home if we have no Sat. classes & put up screens etc. It would be fun. Also, rake & clean up the yard.


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