Monday, September 1, 2014


     The dream started with me leading a group of ladies( six to eight) to our seats at a baseball game. We were walking what seemed like beneath, all concrete, the seating area of the ball-park. It was dingy, tight, and semed to go on forever. Every once in a while you would  pass a short stairway up to the field.

     When finally arriving at our designated seats, they were down in the walk-way area and we could not see hardly any of the field except up through he stairway. I decided to go the ticket office and up-grade the tickets for better ones. I only had $20.00 for the exchange, but, that was exactly the right amount!

     We all then preceeded to walk to the opposite end of the tunnel like area we were in and find our new seats. They weren't much better. We could see at least more of the out-field. End of dream. 

     Earlier in the week, I had attended an I-Cub game with an old high school class-mate. We had great seats on the first base line and did not have to up-grade at all. AND, I was not wishing that we would be accompanied by a half dozen women!

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