Wednesday, September 24, 2014


     When I'm in Marshalltown It's hard to not stop into Taylor's for a loose one. This Tuesday was no exception.

     As I was waiting for my one with everything and a vanilla malt with a double shot of malt, a regular sat down beside me. This guy looked interesting. He could have been one of ZZ Tops cousins with his long straight beard.

    One of the employees yelled over to him ad asked if he wanted his usual. "Ya, just bring me my lightly moist one with a cup of coffee." I started to laugh and mentioned to him that was one I had never heard. My sister orders hers with extra- extra onion and of course the horror stories about extra wet ones, but, not "lightly or slightly moist."

     He didn't even look like the kind of guy that would use that phrase. I had him pegged for more of an "extra dry" guy!

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