Sunday, September 14, 2014


     About an hour before the big ISU/IU game, I sat down next to a gentleman from Cedar Rapids who was an ISU fan in front of Kinnick Stadium. We were both doing a little "fan" watching and a little basking. Both just waiting to go into the game.

    It's amazing what you can learn by simply striking up a conversation with a complete stranger-even a "Cyclone" fan. I don't buy into this silence is better theory. Two shy, introverted, quiet types, in my estimation, don't learn much. Maybe from books.

     Somehow, I mentioned that I used to tell my kids and grand-children, instead of choosing Iowa or Iowa State, about going to college at Pepperdine University, which would be pretty cool as it sits high above the Malibu area in southern California. That way Dennis could come out and visit and walk the beach and look at the pretty girls! 

     Most people don't even know where Pepperdine is located. This gentleman's eyes lit up and indicated he just returned from Malibu. It was something that always had been on his "Bucket List" and he got a super deal of some kind on the flight and because it was off-season a good deal on the beach house.

     Of course I couldn't resist by asking how much it cost per day or week. His reply was that it was "ONLY" $900.00 per day and they stayed the week. It was something he always wanted to do! Is this a great country or what and what fun can sometimes happen by striking up a conversation with a stranger!!


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