Saturday, September 20, 2014


     One of the Burg Grocery employees just returned from vacation and her first airplane flight to visit her sisters in Colorado. Her favorite part of flying was the take-off which is mine and most people. One never tires of that feeling.

     It also reminded me of an old comedy album that I bought back in the late 1950's while in high-school. It was by a comedian named Shelly Berman and he did a routine about flying which I have not forgotten.

   It goes something like this. "Welcome ladies and gentleman to flight 714. I'm captain Holbrook and I'll be your pilot this evening. Miss Jones will be your flight attendant and she will be serving coffee, tea, or ME! 

     Also, make sure you fasten your seat belt in case we hit the side of a mountain. That way only the top half of you will come off!!


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