Saturday, September 20, 2014


     I've told the story about fall cleaning of windows and this was another fall ritual that was attended to when I was a kid in the 1950's. It was a family team effort and had its reward at the end.

     Just to the immediate north of our farm home was a grove of very old, primarily soft maple,  trees. There, also,  was another out- lying  grove about 100 hundred yards further north of pretty much the same type of trees and ever-greens. Both ran from the road that ran past our house to back west maybe 100-150 yards or so.

     But, the first or primary grove, next to our house, was what we raked and burned dead limbs each fall and spring. Did I mention my mom was a "clean freak."

      To make this all worth while, my mom would make it an event with a picnic as a finale. Roasting hot-dogs over an open fire was the best ever. We didn't know what a charcoal or gas grills were then!

     We didn't know what a lot of stuff was then! Who cared and plus we didn't know better!

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