Monday, September 1, 2014


     If there is a word or two to describe my mom, two come to mind-unselfish and sacrificing. After my dad passed away in 1953, she was able to keep herself going with a strength deep wihin her being and readied her to set sail from that time without knowing the exact destination.

     She had been properly groomed. She was from modest means living some of her youth in the country and some in town(Laurel). Her dad ran a resturant and pool hall for a time. I'm sure that helped a little with some old fashion street smarts. And, besides, she was an intelligent woman. She always said she could have made it through college if given the opportunity. No doubt she could have.

     She had a toughness. Ask any salesman who came by about her sales resistance, or principal and teacher who were at odds with me. She was protective of her crew. Yet, there was that gentle side. She collected and saved all types of poetry and writings. She was very philosophical.

     Like a lot of moms of that generation, you didn't hear the "I love you" often but, you knew she did by her actions!

     She was perpetual motion. Up those basement stairs with bushel baskets of clothes to hang on the clothes line on the coldest and windiest of days. Ironing, cleaning, cooking, and burning a trail up and down highway 14. Constantly taking us kids to our many school and church activities.

     She was human. She would get an occasional invitation out by friends to go to a dance or a movie. She did date some and had opprtunities to marry, but, always had her children's best interest in mind.

     Looking back, I know that by her words that our dad was the love of her life. That love gave her the very strength for her journey. 

Happy Birthday Mom! 9/03/2014.

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