Sunday, September 28, 2014


     More from Donna Ingraham and grade school memories.


     Stalin was head of Russia and a mortal enemy of the United States. He made no bones about hating the United States. With World War II over, the threat of war still remained. We not only had fire drills, we had bomb drills. We had to crouch under our desks with our hands over our heads.  Never mind that this would not have saved us if a bomb dropped. Besides, we were in the middle of the United States and any Russian plane would have had to cross halfway across the United States to bomb Laurel, Iowa. One of our teachers had a son who flew planes in the service. One day he flew over and buzzed the school. That was day I will always remember. We had no idea it was coming and I am sure thoughts of Russia filled our heads. They had finally arrived!!!! Not! 


     Most of our class started to school together and graduated together. Some stayed in the Laurel area and some moved away. There is a bond, however, has kept us all together. We grew up, had families of our own, started our own careers, and for awhile lost track of each other. It seems as we get older that bond has gotten stronger. Our memories are more special even though somewhat dulled. Perhaps things weren't as great as we remember. We have lost parents, children, family members, and classmates.  We have come to realize that friendships are very precious. When we are together, time fades away. 

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