Thursday, September 11, 2014


     Baxter-our big rival! It was my sophomore year, 1959, and the football game was played on their turf.  It was the first play of the game and we had the ball. Somehow I was able to break free and ran for a 70 plus yard touch-down. We were on the way to a victory! Wrong. In the end, we lost 26-7.

     For years after, I would run into Louis Sak, who played for Baxter and I considered a friend, at various places in and around Des Moines. Every time  I would see him, he would point out to someone with him that I was the guy that scored the only touch-down against Baxter that year.

     Many years later, after hearing this from Louis, over and over, did I finally realize that it was the ONLY touch-down scored against them ALL that season. They had "skunked" every-one on their schedule.

     Finally, realizing that fact, it made our lose to them a little sweeter. It made me SO happy to know that our team played a major role in spoiling their entire football season!

   *  originally written in 2008

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