Sunday, September 21, 2014


     The other day I was talking to an old classmate about school days.  Some things she had remembered and some things  I didn't and back and forth we went. It is amazing the things we do remember about school, for example, and yet someone else remembers it differently or not at all.

     Well, that can be left for another topic of discussion some other day. Our conversation reminded me of how good of memory my mother possessed her entire life. She lived just short of being ninety years old. (April 9th, 2003)

     One time during the mid-1990's  we were in the car going to church and she was telling a story about some family in the community that had eight or so children. She rattled them off slick as a whistle-Johnny, June, Jimmie, Jane, and on until she got to the seventh kid. She couldn't think of the last two and became very frustrated. She was in her 80's at the time and was telling a story that went back into the 1930's or 1940's, possibly forty or fifty years ago. I mentioned at the time, that it was O.K. that she had remembered six out of the eight!

     Another little trick she would use in remembering was to start counting like--A, B, C, D, and so on until she remembered some word, name, or place.   She would start going through the alphabet until with glee she would yell out with "J-it was Jimmie!" Then all would be right with the world! Try it sometime. It works!


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