Friday, September 12, 2014


     I loved the hot lunch program at our school. And yes, we ate hot, prepared meals in school in the 1950's and early 60's. And, to me they weren't bad. I don't remember only on a rare occasion taking a lunch from home to school.

     My favorite day was Monday. Usually the cooks prepared hot-dogs on one Monday and then rotated to loose beef sandwiches(maid-rites) on the following Monday. One of my other favorites was goulash.

     My least favorite day was Friday. We usually had fish sticks. Ick! When the private catholic school closed in near-by Haverhill, some parents sent their kids to our school in Laurel, Iowa. At that time, Catholics were required, I believe, to eat fish on Friday. Therefore, we all ate fish. 

     To this day I still don't care for fish sticks, but, I do love all kinds of seafood. Ironically, each year while living in Marshalltown, Iowa, I enjoyed going to the fish dinner at the Knights of Columbus Hall during Lent. Yum!

     Also, each afternoon, we would go down to the school kitchen for an afternoon treat of milk or orange juice. The juice was unsweetened. To this day, I can taste that orange juice, but, can't find orange juice unsweetened anywhere!  

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