Saturday, September 27, 2014


     THE GYM

     The gym was in he lower level of the school. It was very small with basketball hoops at each end attached to the wall. Obviously out of bounds WAS the wall. On the east end was the stage that was used as storage. On the south end was a door that led to the locker room. It seemed the door was always open and I always wondered what was down there. I never dared venture down there though. On the west end were bleachers. We played in the gym on indoor recess days and after lunch. On one such occasion, a classmate ran into the wall and broke his collarbone. I can't remember the games we played. I do remember it being fun though. 


     The lunchroom was a marvelous place. It was made by wonderful local  cooks with a  homemade touch. Because my two sisters were type 1 juvenile diabetics, mother watched very closely what I ate because she didn't want me to get it too. I remember eating Spam sandwiches from my metal lunch box while the others ate wonderful lunches from the kitchen.  My mother did allow me to  get the milk that was in cartons. Little did she know how much sugar was in milk!! We ate above the gym looking over a railing. We could observe all that went on below. I am sure it would not be government approved now.


     One thing I do remember vividly were the homemade birthday treats. There were always cupcakes, cakes, or some special dessert. Because my sisters were diabetic, my mother watched very closely what we ate. I was not allowed these wonderful treats. Instead I always got Planters Peanuts in a little bag. It is funny but I don't remember even trying to sneak the special birthday treat. It never dawned on me until years  later that my mother probably provided the peanuts because they were always the same. We never ate peanuts at home and I wouldn't be allowed to eat them at school today because, heaven forbid, an allergic classmate might eat one and die!! Funny, we all ate peanut butter sandwiches and we are still alive.

     To be continued------


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