Saturday, September 27, 2014


     It was the late 1960's and I had just built my first house in Clive, Iowa at 1932 90th street. It had an area for a washer and dryer and we had no clothes line to hang clothes out. Thus, the story begins.

La Risa, my daughter was three or four at the time.  One night we had a next door neighbor boy to baby sit for her while out for the evening.

     Somehow, during the course of the evening, she knocked over a plant and it soiled the nearby drape. The sitter asked La Risa to get a clothespin to hold back the drape to let it dry. She replied, "What's a clothespin?"

     Even though she had seen such at her grandma's, she just forgot or didn't understand. It was example of how through the years as things become outdated or extinct, we slowly forget them.

     When's the last time you saw clothes hanging out to dry at least in the city? P.S. Do miss that smell!!


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