Friday, December 25, 2015


      Two little kids this past week were headed to their dentist and it appeared that they were really looking forward to it! Not in my day.

        I used to go to a dentist in Marshalltown, Iowa by the name of Dr. Pegg. Anybody remember him? He was located in the Masonic Temple Building. It seems as I look back most everybody we went to see was located in that building. Barber, doctors and dentists! 

       He never used novocaine as I can remember. The one thing I can still visualize was the "slow speed" drill that was used at the time. I can still see the smoke coming from my mouth until it was time to reach over and spit! Even the little set of The Seven Dwarfs that he gave away made of some type of plaster never made look forward to the next visit! Doesanybody else remember those dwarfs? Where was Snow White?

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