Thursday, December 24, 2015


       Yes we ate hot prepared meals back in the 1950's and early 1960's. And, to me despite what others might think, were very good overall. I don't remember only on rare occasions taking a lunch from home. 

      My favorite day was Monday. Usually the cooks rotated hot-dogs and loose meat sandwiches every other week. My least favorite day was Friday. Fish sticks! Ugh! It is funny that today I love all types of seafood. Not then. The private Catholic school closed in nearby Haverhill during that time and the parents sent some of their children to Laurel which was a public school and no tuition. At that time Catholics had to eat fish on Friday's and so we always had fish sticks on that day. I still am not a big fan of fish sticks to this day. If would have only been Walleye!

      Also, in the afternoon, we would go down to the lunchroom and have unsweetened orange juice and/or milk for an afternoon treat. I haven't had it for years, but, for a long time as an adult I would buy the Texan brand of unsweetened orange juice. That I loved!

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