Thursday, December 3, 2015


     A fellow employee was sharing a story about a homeless Vet and a tale that involved a dumpster. It immediately brought to mind an incident when I had my cleaning service in Marshalltown several years ago.

     On this particular Saturday morning I was cleaning this office in a complex on East Church Street.  One task was always taking the trash out to a dumpster that sat just outside the building. As usual I flipped up the lid to the dumpster to then get ready to toss in the trash. 

      As I looked down in the bin something started to move. My eyes were deceiving me. No they wern't. A frightening chill ran down my entire body. Whoa! It is a person! This guy got up from his curled up sleeping  position, straightened all the way up, stepped over the edge of the dumpster and proceeded down the alley way without uttering a word. Good morning to you too!! Made my day! 

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