Saturday, December 5, 2015


     The following is a warm and touching Christmas memory from my cousin Dianne Smith Davis of Corning, Iowa.  Hope you enjoy!

 Childhood memory with my sister and cousins 

      During the war years,(WW II) my sister, Linda, and I along with Ruthella Smith, our mother, Aunt Helen, my mother's sister and her children, Kae and James, lived with my grandparents in Weldon, Iowa. My maternal grandfather, Lucious Smith was a minister at the Weldon Methodist Church.  One year on Christmas eve when we were all quite small and had been put to bed, my grandfather who loved shell peanuts, shelled a lot of peanuts and proceeded to sprinkle the shells around the house to the Christmas tree so we would find them in the morning upon rising.

      He wanted us to think that Santa had made a trip to the Christmas tree even though our fathers were gone we weren't forgotten.  I often think, especially at Christmas time, how my grandmother must have really been upset with my grandfather for making such a mess all around the house. This is a Christmas memory that I have never forgotten. Unfortunately, I don't remember any gifts we received that Christmas, but, I do remember quite vividly the trail of peanut shells throughout the parsonage. 

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