Thursday, December 24, 2015


     The summer after my sophomore year at Laurel High School I worked for the school mowing the school grounds and doing other odd jobs to assist the janitor. I helped clean rooms, some painting, treated gym floors and so on.

      I usually worked eight hours a day, 40 hours a week at an hourly wage of $1.00 an hour. Somewhere I still have a pay stub that showed the deductions and what my net was after deductions. One dollar an hour was prevalent then for a wage give or take 25 cents.  The work was not too difficult. The school did have a riding lawn mower so it wasn't too taxing.

      It was always fun to walk uptown and have lunch at the cafe at the back of Fuller's Grocery Store and have a big ol' hamburger or hot beef sandwich. Lunches usually ran about $1.00 the equivalent to an hour of your wages.   

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