Monday, December 28, 2015


By Mary Laverty

In the year of 1900 and 44
The stork came knocking on Laverty's door;
With a little plumb baby, it must be a boy!
Mom and Dad were sure proud of their sweet little joy.

Dennis Michael they named him so-
For the day was blustery with new fallen snow.
He had lots of curls all over his head,
And brown big eyes that twinkled, they said.

Then Denny grew up and started to school;
Our boy was sharp and smart as a rule.
Then off to high school and noticed the girls, 
And loved to dance and would give them a whirl.

Football was his favorite sport, you see, 
For he knew how to run away from the enemy.
He loved to sing many a song;
His voice was deep and mighty and strong!

Many of loves he had in his day,
Then Sandi came along-and may I say-
To Marshalltown her smile it won him,
That pink Chevy is heading north again.

But money is needed and a job is near, 
A painter they made him in snow white gear;
They graduated him from Laurel High
and junior college is near, so have a sigh.

we're proud of you Dennis, and all you have done.
A many more years of happiness and fun.

****************** written by my Aunt Mary Elizabeth Spence Laverty (2/28/1923-1/15/1987) for  our wedding shower in 1964. Poetry was just one of her many gifts.

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