Saturday, December 5, 2015


      I have been doing little "You know you are getting old when" ditty's this past week and this fits that category. There were three sisters by the names of Daisy, Gladys, and Cora and two or three brothers which no one ever seemed to have seen or met up close as they never seemed to come to nearby Laurel. Their last name was Paul.

     Their farm was just one miles east of Laurel and set on the north side of the road. I do remember watching the brothers out doing field work on several occasions by just horse drawn  equipment up until the time I left for college.

      The sisters always came to church in Laurel in a possibly  1930's or 1940's 4 door Dodge with Daisy driving and the other two sisters always sitting in the back.And that's the way it was! 


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