Friday, December 11, 2015


       I was reminded today at the Burg Grocery about a cake frosting that I ran in to while shopping at the Hy Vee Store in Marshalltown, Iowa years ago. The frosting that seemed funny and/or odd was Kiwi Strawberry. Not that it is bad and actually I have never tried it. 

       It just struck me funny, like a lot of things do, in the following way. "Hey Grandpa! I would like to make you a cake for your upcoming birthday. What's your favorite cake and frosting?" "Oh, let me think!  You know what sounds really good and I haven't had it for a long time is a chocolate cake with Kiwi Strawberry frosting." "Yum!" "Besides, you know your Grandpa,  I always like to try something a little different!"  Right! And, I still have one bridge left!

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