Thursday, December 10, 2015


           The following is another Holiday memory from my cousin, Dianne Smith Davis, of Corning Iowa. The story was remembered when she and her sons were together this past Thanksgiving.

Holiday Trips to Marshalltown 

      Many,many trips we made to Marshalltown to see my parents, Arnold and Ruthella Smith, resulted in some very dangerous trips back and forth during the Holiday season. Many times our worst trips were made during Thanksgiving. Frequently, the roads were covered with ice and snow and our trips were quite risky.

      The boys remembered one year when we were returning home from Marshalltown we weren't very far down the road from Marshalltown on Highway 64 (I think that is what that highway was called at the time) we hadn't even reached Melbourne yet when Dean hit an icy spot on the highway and we turned completely around before returning to the correct  direction we needed to travel. 

      Both the boys had taken off their winter coats, boots, stocking caps and mittens for our travel home. When I turned around to check on them, they had all their winter gear back on and were buckled up. Neither boy said another peep all the way back to Corning.Our troubles continued after we got back to Corning as we couldn't get up the hill to turn onto our street in Corning. 

      At long last we finally made it safely to our home,  but, our normally 3 hour trip took a couple of hours longer. All four of us were certainly very happy to be back in our home. This was just one of the many trips like that to and  from Marshalltown  at the Holiday season. These are trips that the boys and I have never forgotten and will be embedded in our memories forever. 

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