Saturday, December 19, 2015


      Most us of think of things that are on a "Bucket List" include a Mediterranean Cruise, a Hawaiian trip, or something else really exotic. Let's just call this one item on my Bucket List somewhat on the miner side, but, still it has been something I have wanted to do since I heard about it moving to eastern Iowa.Besides, I have fond memories of  having lunch at  the Baxter Sales Barn when I was a teenager and working for a guy named Bernie Klaunberg. I always remembered  how good the food was there and so this was my chance to relive a fond memory in a way.
       And, here it is. This past Thursday I drove down to Kalona, Iowa and went to the Thursday cattle auction at the Kalona Sales Barn which is about a 35 minute drive south of Williamsburg. I didn't go so much for the actual auction but the adjacent luncheon  cafe run by Amish or Mennonite ladies. 

       When first arriving, I went into into the auction area and sat on the top row of all wood  tiered down stadium seating. In a horseshoe shape, it surrounded the show ring area that was large enough to handle up to 10 cattle. The auctioneer did his thing and the number  of cattle, average weight, and hundred weight sold were posted on a digital board.  The action was fast and the cattle were brought in and out with much speed.

      As was pointed out by a gentleman sitting next to me, there were at least two men that represented "large" interests there bidding on what interested them. And, to think that this style of buying and selling livestock has been done this way for decades. 

      Now for the part that I actually came for. The luncheon area sits adjacent to the upper area of the show ring. It is enclosed and arranged in a narrow horse shoe with bolted down stools facing the continuous  counter. Most of the walls and ceiling are the old knotty pine wood from at least the 1950's. This was my kind of place. 

       A young man that was sitting to my right side advised I try the cheeseburger and hash browns with gravy. He told me like he was giving me a secret tip of some kind leaning over and telling me this out of the corner of his mouth.. He was right on and I was not disappointed. The young lady that took my order was dressed in the Amish attire as  all the waitresses were and courteous and efficient. 

       The big delight came when I ordered a slice of cherry pie with one scoop of vanilla. It was out of this world. The cherry was the deepest red, sweet, and delicious as I have had since I can't remember. Someone makes their pies for them and at this point I didn't push the young lady for the name of the supplier. If I want it again I'll just have to make another trip. I was advised by at least three different people how good their pies were! Eating was believing. 

       Coming from a farm background and growing up around cattle, even the "cattle smell" didn't bother me in the restaurant. Somehow it was just part of the magic! A good friend of mine believes that they have an "exotic animal" auction in the spring. That could be fun and worth checking out! No matter. I shall return one day soon. That pie will be haunting me until I do. Besides, I forgot to order the hash browns with the gravy!    

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