Saturday, December 26, 2015


       The 1950's and up until the Beatles came to town in the early 1960's was quite a creative time for men's hair. We started to see more of men's hair after JFK became president because he didn't cover up his thick head of hair with a hat. Up until then all you ever saw were men wearing those Fedora's almost everywhere.

       Hair tonic and butch wax were used alot up until then. You needed those products to slick it back or keep it up. During the late 50's and early 60's I had hair styles with my hair long on the sides with what they called a ducktail in the back, a straight flat top, combed forward with a "waterfall" on the forehead and combed back on the sides. The choices were endless.

       When the Beatles came over in the early 1960's it came to an end. No more getting haircuts once or twice a week. Hair was worn a lot longer and pretty much dry without all that greasy stuff.  Barbers either went broke or changed their ways and turned their shops into fancier places called Salons, decorated them high profile so they could justify higher prices because you weren't coming in as often. Again, times were changing!    

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