Saturday, December 12, 2015


     Working in the isle with all the various canned and bottled juices, again, you realize we have way too many choices. It all starts with just the Brand Names. Our little store at least carries six or so Brand names. Then there seems to be another break down of regular juice, diet, low cal, or light.

      Now the fun begins. Within all the various general categories of apple, pineapple, tomato, just juice, cranberry, grape and so on then comes all the COMBO'S: White Cran Peach, White Cranberry, Cranberry Cherry, Apple Cranberry, Kiwi Strawberry, Cider.

     It is mind boggling. This doesn't even include the kids section on juices like Juicy Juice or Kool Aid. Plus there are containers of various juices in the refrigerated cooler.And, again the Companies that sell all this stuff has the audacity to say that "customer's ask for all this insanity!" Right! I guess I would rather live in a country that has all this stuff than anywhere else. It's still nuts! 

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