Friday, December 25, 2015


       I had mentioned in a previous story about listening to my first Stereo. It was at my junior high romance's home in Gilman, Iowa. Her name was Denise Walker and my sister, Doris, would drive me over on a Saturday night or Sunday afternoon for our "date."

       Saturday nights were special because Gilman had outdoor dances in an enclosed area with a concrete floor and built-in bandstand.  Generally the music from a kid's perspective sucked. Usually it was a small band of guys with look a like suits and their music was geared to the "older" crowd. Most of the music was popular with this crowd and not any R & R to the liking of us teenager's. But, after all we were in the minority.

       Oh, well, we made the best of it! And, when they did start to play something fairly cool for us to dance to it wouldn't last long and the they would announce that they would be back in 15 minutes or so. It was always a lot longer! But, better days were ahead! 

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