Sunday, December 27, 2015


       This was a time in the 1980's and I was married to my ex-wife May. I had quit drinking prior to a particular New Year's week-end. The reason for my decision to stop was due to witnessing a close friend get terribly intoxicated at his own wedding reception. At that point I quit drinking alcohol completely for at least 10 years until our divorce.

        To stay clear of situations where there was a lot of alcohol at least at local , bars, and close friends that drank we decided on this particular New Year's week-end  to go to  Chicago and  attended  the impromptu  comedy club called The Second City.. This was where John Beluchi and Dan Aykroyd got their first starts.

         At midnight they took a break and the house lights went up and just played music over head. One of the songs that was played was "I feel good" by James Brown."  Now keep in mind that both yours truly and my ex were cold sober except for coffee and/or Diet Coke. Everyone else in the joint I'm sure were not feeling much pain one way or another.

        The Club also had passed out the little party horns or Kazoos that are normal for New Year's Eve. Now if you can visualize all these people blowing their little horns in unison as James Brown would sing "I feel good" and then dah,dah,dah,dah,dat! 

         Just watching all these people blowing their horns to this song and the part where the sax kicks in was more than I could stand. I am not sure I have ever laughed harder. Their have been other occasions were I have witnessed intoxicated people do their thing while I was sober, but, this night couldn't be beat! If you have never tried it you might like it!


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