Saturday, December 19, 2015


       This morning from 9AM to noon at the Hartig Drug Store here in Williamsburg, I had the opportunity to be Santa. The store provided a really nice brand new uniform that worked well. (Pictures will be put on Facebook in the next few days as that is not my cup of tea.

       It didn't really amaze me that I was not nervous, as I do love impromptu situations, am not afraid of strangers, and I do love little kids. The one thing that wasn't really a surprise was when I asked them what they wanted for Christmas. A lot of the the things mentioned I did not have a clue what it was they were telling me. What ever happened to wanting a doll or truck. I know, it's been a while for that.

        One young lad when asked what he wanted replied: " I would like a Drone!" That threw me off a bit and I just replied with a "We'll see!" One of the adults standing around later said that he had never even seen a drone nor did he know what it did! Times have and are a changing!

        I truly loved doing this gig. Maybe next year I can get some more bookings and I will go on tour?  Ho! Ho!Ho! Merry Christmas!   

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