Sunday, December 6, 2015


      When I was a young man and my son wasn't but 2 years old, I decided that when introducing him to someone that I would make sure he would stick his hand out and attempt to shake the person/s hand and look them in the eye.

       Growing up in a small rural farm community, I didn't want to see him greet someone with this shy look and looking down at his shoes kind of introduction like I had experienced as a kid. I am not being critical of manners and customs of rural communities as it just way the way it is. 

       When I first arrived at Drake University back in the 1960's and I ran into the guys in my business fraternity from the likes of Chicago, I was in for a real awakening. They would almost get in your face with a greeting and would be saying -"Hi! My name is so and so" while reaching out and pumping your hand.

       I don't want to get into a Sociology lesson here, but sometimes I do miss that more outgoing, direct if you will, approach to greetings. Don't get me wrong I do love what a smaller community has to offer and its innocence. But, I still like meeting someone and saying "Good Morning"   and looking them right in the eye! 



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