Wednesday, December 2, 2015


      Today at the Burg Grocery, our local Johnny Depp look a like happened to stop in for a lunch item from our deli. Johnny(the look a like) works in the body shop of our local auto dealership.. He always comes in looking pretty grimy from his morning labor. At least, if he was cleaned up he could at least be Depp's twin brother.

       After Johnny the look a like left, I mentioned to a lady that came through the line afterwards about this young guy. She appeared to be pretty hip to what's happening and figured she would know who at least the real  Johnny Depp was. She didn't have a clue! She asked if Johnny lived here and then I explained that Depp was a major actor. She never had heard of him so the story quickly fizzled.

      Sometimes, it's hard for someone like myself who loves movies, to comprehend when I run into someone who just doesn't  have a clue about movie trivia! End of story!


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