Saturday, December 26, 2015


       I stopped up earlier to pick up a prescription at the local drug store. I asked where the calender's were as it's that time of year when you need a new one. The lady had a free one just laying in the pharmacy and gave it to me. It would work  perfectly to lay on my desk. I always like to be able to glance at the month while I am making out bills or whatever. Yes, I still write checks for some of my bills.

      Next week I'll stop in a local Insurance Agency and pick up one to hang on the door that goes out to the garage. I can see it nicely from the kitchen table and can glance at it for various reasons.

       I occasionally do glance at the calendar that is on my phone just to prove to myself that I am not totally a dinosaur. But, at one time getting a new calendar was almost a thing you looked forward to. If you got one from your insurance agent or  local co-op you felt like you were part of a special group. Almost status.  

        Some of them were works of art. Some were kind of naughty and only guys who owned the likes of auto mechanic shops had them hanging on their walls. It is just another one of those things that is slowly disappearing or at least not in demand as it once was. Sort of sad!


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