Sunday, December 13, 2015


     Besides weather, once in a while conversations drift toward food and eating while assisting customers with their groceries. On this particular day at the Burg Grocery a gentleman, well maybe more of a good ol'boy type, started it off.

     He began by telling me a story about having lunch at one of the restaurants in the Amana Colonies some thirty years ago. The story goes that at lunch time working guys would sit down at this particular round table and they would give their drink order to their waitress. Then the others at the table would pass bowls of food and if an item ran out more would be brought to the table and around and around it would go. When done eating one would get their check , pay the tab,  and out you would go.

      Sometime later, as the story continues, did this particular guy come to a stark realization while dining out one evening for the first time with family and,  was given a menu. He  did not realize that you had to order your entire meal from it. Not just your drink order as when he was at lunch with a group of working guys. That story made my week!

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