Thursday, December 17, 2015


     This another story from my cousin, Dianne Smith Davis, who resides in Corning , Iowa. Her parents were Ruthella and Arnold Smith. Arnold was my mother's,( Doris May Smith Laverty) youngest brother.

My Encounter with Pigeons

      Late one fall day when my family was living in Laurel my father Arnold decided to do a good deed for someone he knew. The task at hand was helping hiss friend shingle the roof. The day proceeded along quite nicely until toward the end of the day. Unfortunately, my dad fell off the roof that was being shingled and broke both his arms.

      My dad had always had a love for animals of all types and at that time my dad was raising pigeons in the barn.The task of feeding the pigeons fell on me the oldest daughter and at that time I was only in 5th grade. I certainly didn't like the stupid pigeons flying around while I was trying to feed them. 

       Word quickly spread to my Aunt May and my Aunt Vivian(oldest sister of Arnold and May and Uncle La Verne(Vivian's husband) and soon all three were at our place. Aunt Vivian being the nurse went with mom to the hospital and Uncle La Verne came to my rescue to feed those stupid flying around pigeons. Aunt May took us home with her  when the task of feeding the pigeons was completed. Aunt May fixed us all supper and we spent the night at her home. After supper Uncle La Verne went back to Marshalltown. Aunt Vivian was in charge of taking care of my dad and my mom. 

        My dad wasn't able to drive for quite some time nor do any other tasks that needed the use of his hands or arms. Before my dad was totally healed he became very testy with all of us. My mom had to do the driving, but, she didn't quite live up to the expectations that my dad had for driving. 

       It became a very long healing time for us and yes, guess who had to keep feeding those stupid pigeons? You got it, me!!! I don't enjoy pigeons to this day, but, I do enjoy watching the birds of all species come to my suet feeder and the bird feeders in the winter. I certainly can live without pigeons for a long time or at least from quite a distance from me!

                                                                    Dianne Smith Davis



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