Saturday, December 12, 2015


       Most days while watching and continuously scanning around the endless TV dial, it reminds me how far we have come since we first had a TV back in the early 1950's 

        Not only was the picture in black and white for starters, the dial only went up to 11 or 12 and keep in mind there were only one or two stations at the early days. We were fortunate as we had an antennae up in our attic for better reception and we never had to worry about it blowing off the roof. Some also had just little "rabbit ears" that sat on top of the TV. 

       We also were located between the Des Moines/Ames market and the Cedar Rapids/Waterloo stations. So what ever came in better we could switch to the best. 

      And, of course there was no remote to change channels from the couch. Nope! You actually had to get up off your rear and switch without very many choices.  In addition, early days the programming started in late afternoon and ended at midnight with the Star Spangled Banner!

      There weren't too many choices, obviously, in the early days, but, it seemed like you enjoyed it more because everything was all so new and different! 

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